About: Whether you are just beginning your walk with God or you have been walking with Him
for some years now, we all need to be in healthy Christian relationships in order to grow in
Christ likeness. That includes our relationship to God.
Two sides of one coin: (The great commandment - Matthew 22:37-40) When we look at the
great commandment we see two things, to love God and love others. Loving God is obeying Him
and if we are obeying God, we are loving others the way he asks us. What does that intel?
Loving God is trusting God with our all our hearts, mind, soul, and strength. That lived out is a
person full of the spirit someone who even when they do sin, they confess it to God and another
person to be healed and to be held accountable. This process repeats itself and the person grows.
We learn to love God by trusting in Him daily in all circumstances and to be follow Him like a
son follows His dad. We honor God by laying our lives down for Him, just like he did for us. We
lay down our plans, we lay down our pride, we lay down our self-seeking agendas and ways and
replace them with trusting in His outcomes and ultimate plans for our lives and occupations. This
includes being active in our spiritual disciplines like reading scripture daily, praying, fasting, and
meditation on Him. These combined with loving others by serving, sharing the gospel, discipling
new converts and old, teaching others, and supporting the local church is all going to help the
believer fulfill the great commandment and great commission. You can’t have one without the
other. We as believers need to know we are not saved to enter heaven only; we are saved to be
Gods hands and feet by loving others enough to share the hope of the gospel message and to
disciple them. That’s inevitably teaching them, modeling the gospel to them by how we live and
talk. It is supporting them and counseling them through battles and temptations and it’s just
being a good friend. God did not say go and make converts he commanded us to go and make
disciples. It’s not about quantity but about quality converts and people that know how to follow
Jesus and to live the life he saved them from. Now go and fulfill the greatest commandment and
great commission with your local church family and believers. Together we can see the Kingdom
come here on earth as it is in heaven.
for some years now, we all need to be in healthy Christian relationships in order to grow in
Christ likeness. That includes our relationship to God.
Two sides of one coin: (The great commandment - Matthew 22:37-40) When we look at the
great commandment we see two things, to love God and love others. Loving God is obeying Him
and if we are obeying God, we are loving others the way he asks us. What does that intel?
Loving God is trusting God with our all our hearts, mind, soul, and strength. That lived out is a
person full of the spirit someone who even when they do sin, they confess it to God and another
person to be healed and to be held accountable. This process repeats itself and the person grows.
We learn to love God by trusting in Him daily in all circumstances and to be follow Him like a
son follows His dad. We honor God by laying our lives down for Him, just like he did for us. We
lay down our plans, we lay down our pride, we lay down our self-seeking agendas and ways and
replace them with trusting in His outcomes and ultimate plans for our lives and occupations. This
includes being active in our spiritual disciplines like reading scripture daily, praying, fasting, and
meditation on Him. These combined with loving others by serving, sharing the gospel, discipling
new converts and old, teaching others, and supporting the local church is all going to help the
believer fulfill the great commandment and great commission. You can’t have one without the
other. We as believers need to know we are not saved to enter heaven only; we are saved to be
Gods hands and feet by loving others enough to share the hope of the gospel message and to
disciple them. That’s inevitably teaching them, modeling the gospel to them by how we live and
talk. It is supporting them and counseling them through battles and temptations and it’s just
being a good friend. God did not say go and make converts he commanded us to go and make
disciples. It’s not about quantity but about quality converts and people that know how to follow
Jesus and to live the life he saved them from. Now go and fulfill the greatest commandment and
great commission with your local church family and believers. Together we can see the Kingdom
come here on earth as it is in heaven.